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Cash Magic Texas Pelican Контакти

Телефон: +1 337-233-7288
Мінімальний вік 18
Валюти USD
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Відгуки гравців про казино Cash Magic Texas Pelican (1)

  • Victim of defamation of character
    Переваги: It's a place my friends and I attend 2-3 times a week.
    Недоліки: I dropped a cup of ice and was banned from being able to go bk into the casino.
    LIKE what kind of company business is this?!?
    After going to the casino for over 2+yrs, I'm in total shock on how the workers there handle the situation of me dropping a cup of ice!! Clint & Pat handle this situation very poorly and unprofessional with banning me to return bk to casino. I feel that these employees should be fired for not only defamation of my character and person. But for the unprofessional way they've handled the situation.
    Also Diane ( I believe to be her name) the head manager has not contacted me for me dropping a cup of ice being such a problem. Whenever I've seen worst things than dropping a cup of ice , and those people are STILL allowed to go to casino!!
    And the employee Clint came to the bingo hall to address me about being not able to come back to cash magic. Then proceeded to say he had to come on his day off to tell me that I was not allowed to go back to casino magic.....??!!
    Like what business sends a person that is Not working or on the clock to address me saying that I was not allowed to go there again, or I Would be arrested!!
    For dropping a cup of ice, LIKE WTF??
    I feel that I will be needing to get a lawyer to address this unprofessional situation, the management, and the employees involved.
    Because threatening me with getting arrested if I returned for ONLY dropping a cup of ice?!? Is inhumane and not right!!
    I will see what kind of Rights this employee off the clock have to address me in the way I was.
    Also to find out what are my rights are to be able to be so poorly treated for dropping a cup of ice!?!
    I will get an attorney to advise me of the best way to take further action against the casino and it's unprofessional employees that banned me for dropping a cup of ice!
    You can't discriminate against a customer that has dropped a cup of ice in this manner.
    It's dehumanizing and an embarrassment to do a person this way,for dropping a cup of ice...
    I'm appalled of the behavior of Clint, Pat,and Diane to make this decision against me for just dropping a cup of ice.. Honestly I feel like Pat has targeted me from the first time she'd saw me. She has told other employees and customers that I was ONLY there to drink alcohol. Talk about unprofessional,making rumors about your customers!! That is called defamation of character, and it's illegal!!
    I'm 45 yrs old & I KNOW that I can afford my own alcohol there or anywhere else I go!
    I feel like I've been a victim of defamation of character from this business employees.
    Along with the unprofessional way that I've had been treated for dropping a cup of ice!
    And to be a regular customer in this casino two to three times a week, I feel like the employees has took this to a personal level on their part. And to hear from other customers that go there with me, how they were dogging me out , talking poorly about me ,and did not like me.
    I believe the employees Pat and Clint speaking to other customers, saying things about me to discredit my person, which is defamation of my character!
    This has only given me witnesses to what I have had to endure from this cash magic casino and its employees!
    Literally given me several witnesses to have for all the allegations that this casinos employees has done towards the defamation of my character!
    I'm giving this bad review because I have been a victim of defamation of character from this casino magic business & these employees.
    And I feel I need to bring attention to the owner on how it's employees & management run and treat their customers!
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