Types of games at this casino

  • Poker
    Caribbean Poker Ultimate Texas Hold'em
  • BlackJack
  • Baccarat
    Punto Banco
  • Slot Machines
    Jackpot Slots
  • Roulette
    Electronic Roulette French Roulette

Casino Di Venezia - is a historic casino located in the heart of Venice, Italy. The casino was opened in 1638, and it is one of the oldest casinos in the world. It is housed in the Palazzo Vendramin-Calergi, which was a residence for famous people and was visited by many Italian and foreign artists.

The casino offers a wide range of gaming options, including table games, slot machines, and a poker room. Table games such as roulette, blackjack, baccarat, and craps are available in different variations, and there is also the opportunity to play poker in the poker room. The casino also hosts various tournaments and events related to gaming.

In addition to gaming, Casino Di Venezia offers visitors the opportunity to enjoy exquisite cuisine in its restaurants on-site. The restaurants offer local and international dishes, as well as various snacks and drinks.

The casino is also known for its architecture and decor. Inside the building, there are decorated ceilings, walls with fabric wallpapers, and artistic paintings, which create an atmosphere of luxury and romance.

To visit the casino, guests must be over 18 years of age and have a valid ID or passport. The casino is open daily, from morning until late at night, and is one of the popular places for leisure and entertainment in Venice.

Casino features

  • Restaurant
  • Vip Rooms
  • Live Shows
  • Bar
  • Wifi

Casino Di Venezia Contacts

Foundation year 1638
Entrance age limits 18
Currencies USD
Owner name Casino Di Venezia

Supported Payment Methods

  • Cash
  • Visa
  • Mastercard

Casino Location

User reviews on Casino Di Venezia (1)

  • ErjonCasino
    Pros: Arkitekturë e bukur e kazinosë
    Cons: Kazinoja e Venecias ka një kod veshjeje, por gjatë verës është shumë e vështirë ta respektosh atë, ata nuk më lanë në pantallona të shkurtra. Më duhej të shkoja në shtëpi dhe të ndërroja. Hyrja kushton 5 euro, nëse paguani 10 euro mund të vini bast për to. Makinat e fatit kërkojnë zëvendësim, shumë të vjetëruara.
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