Dottys Casino S Boulder Hwy And Nellis

1000+ km
5040 Boulder Hwy, Las Vegas, NV 89122
Open map Directions
2 Reviews

Types of games at this casino

  • Slot Machines
    Video Poker Video Keno

Casino features

  • Bar
  • Parking
  • Cafe

Dottys Casino S Boulder Hwy And Nellis Contacts

Entrance age limits 18
Currencies USD
Owner name Dotty's

Casino Location

User reviews on Dottys Casino S Boulder Hwy And Nellis (2)

  • Stacy Davis
    Pros: No pros ..go to any other Dotty's but not this one
    Cons: Staff is rude
    There are only approx seven or eight machines
    They are often out of the alcohol needed for the beverage youvwant
  • Frank
    Pros: No pros to this casino
    Cons: Customer service is horrible especially late during the night. Staff are extremely rude. Instead of greeting you appropriately, like hi welcome to Dotty's, can I get you something to drink, no they are like, short and rude, excuse me she says before I even sit do you have an id ...I need to see your can't be in here without id...WOW...
    Also they do not have enough machines so some people have to wait for one to open and as I was sitting there a fight actually broke out between two people waiting because the "bartender" did not keep track of who was waiting and who was next she was more concerned about the homeless man walking back and forth in the parking lot like he was some dangerous threat...there are homeless everywhere you go in Vegas and most are harmless but she could not stop focusing on this poor man going to the door several times to Hollar at him over nothing while I sat there and several bothers without beverage and no service. It was ridiculous.
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